Why does CalendarHero require I sign up with a Google or Microsoft email?
In order to register your CalendarHero account, you must sign up with an email address that is hosted by Google or Microsoft.
(Not sure which one you use? If you use Google G Suite at work then odds are you have a Google email address. If you use Microsoft Office software then odds are you have a Microsoft email address. Ask your IT administrator if you're unsure.)
As an intelligent meeting assistant, CalendarHero needs access to your native calendar in order to review your availability and schedule meetings on your behalf. CalendarHero doesn't replace your Google or Microsoft calendar, but rather enhances it with intelligent and configurable scheduling! If you do not have a calendar, then CalendarHero cannot provide its core meeting scheduling service to you. Google and Microsoft are by far the most popular calendars for business users, which is what CalendarHero specializes in!
As soon as you sign up, CalendarHero automatically syncs with your default calendar. After registering you can also easily add additional calendars (such as your personal one), as well as add calendars from Apple and Salesforce through our Integrations.
If you plan to upgrade to a Team Plan, you must register your account with a work email address (name@yourcompany) to successfully join an existing Team Plan or create your own. CalendarHero uses your work email domain (e.g. @companyname.com) to set up a Team plan organization for you. Learn more about setting up a Team Plan.
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