People insights is a quick and easy way to find information about people you're about to meet with. Information is sourced externally and does not come from CalendarHero or your private accounts.
Curious how CalendarHero works with your contacts? CalendarHero imports your contacts so that it knows who you ask to schedule meetings with and can reach out on your behalf to invite those contacts to your meetings. Learn More about managing and syncing your contacts
What Information might your assistant find?
Your assistant will provide you with your contacts known:
Social Profiles - including:
- X (including most recent posts)
- Medium
- Websites
- Latest Blog Posts
Current Organization + latest news updates
- includes up to three (3) of the latest news articles related to that organization
- Try it out by asking your assistant “Who is ” and checking out the company news articles it returns
Meeting Information
- # of meetings you've had with the individual (if applicable)
- date of your last meeting (if applicable)
- Location
- Similarities - such as shared organizations or mutual connections
- CRM / ATS information - sourced from your connected CRM or ATS (Applicant Tracking System)
How to use People Insights - via web
From the contacts page ( you can easily view information on all of your contacts. Simply select "View" to view the contact's information. The contacts page list includes all contacts imported from your connected accounts or those manually added.
How to use People Insights - In Chat
Who is ?
If you are using CalendarHero in your favorite chat platform simply ask your assistant for example, "Who is Elon Musk?" and your assistant will search for the relevant information. If the person you're asking your assistant about is not a contact, you will need to provide their email. Your assistant will ask you for it.
To use this feature first make sure you have added your assistant to your favourite chat platform like Slack or MS Teams.
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