Collaborators are users not on the same CalendarHero Team plan that have shared calendar availability. The Collaborator's role makes it easy to invite external contacts to securely share their calendar availability with any CalendarHero user. By adding a Collaborator, you'll be able to automatically and securely schedule meetings on their behalf using their real-time availability. Best of all Collaborators don't require a paid CalendarHero account so can use CalendarHero for free!
Once you add a Collaborator, you can include that Collaborator's availability in any of CalendarHero's powerful Shared Availability options - including on-behalf, round-robin, and collective availability. This makes it easy for CalendarHero users to more effectively schedule meetings on behalf of others, or to include the collaborator's availability along with others.
For example, recruiters can invite any hiring manager to become a Collaborator and quickly and easily schedule candidate interviews on their behalf using the hiring managers' real-time availability. Scheduling on behalf of clients or internal colleagues has never been easier!
Sign up as a (free) Collaborator to easily share your calendar availability with another CalendarHero user.
If I Collaborate can people see my Calendar details? What does it mean to share availability?
Once a user adds a Collaborator then CalendarHero will be able to access the Collaborators calendar so that meetings can be easily scheduled based on their real-time availability. It's important to note that the meeting creator and invitees never have access to the event details on the Collaborators' calendar. Therefore the Collaborator's existing meeting details and invitees always stay private. CalendarHero simply presents availability based on free vs busy. This ensures that the Collaborator's calendar details always stay private.
Collaborators can also revoke permissions at any time. For example, you could share your availability with an external recruiter while they are actively booking interviews on your behalf, and then revoke sharing once the positions have been filled.
How to invite a Collaborator
CalendarHero users can easily invite anyone to become a collaborator from My Profile My Collaborators.
Simply copy your unique invite link and share it with whomever you want to add as a Collaborator. The Collaborator simply clicks on the link and is invited to create a free account (or log in with their existing CalendarHero account).
Once a Collaborator has successfully been added you will be notified by email, and the Collaborator will appear in your Collaborators list. You will also appear in their list, so they know whose account they are connected to.
Once you add a Collaborator, you can include that Collaborator's availability in any of CalendarHero's powerful Shared Availability options - including on-behalf, round-robin, and collective availability.
Team Plan Users: If you are on a Team plan and inviting Collaborators who have the same email domain as you -, please ensure that your administrator has disabled the "Automatically add Members" with the same domain option. If this is ON then on registration these users will automatically be added to your paid Team plan as a member rather than added as a Collaborator (with a separate free account).
What does a Collaborator see when they are invited?
(1) Sign in/Sign up
Once a collaborator clicks your unique link they will see a custom Sign up/Sign in page.
- If the Collaborator already has a CalendarHero account then they will click "Sign-in here".
- If the Collaborator does not have a CalendarHero account then they will click "Sign up with ". New users must sign up with an email address that is hosted by Google or Microsoft (Why? learn more).
(2) Authorization (New Sign-up Only)
As with all new CalendarHero accounts, the Collaborator will be asked to authorize their calendar integration. This integration is required to access the Collaborator's calendar so that meetings can be easily scheduled based on their real-time availability.
This authorization is only required for new account sign-ups.
(3) Confirm Collaboration
Collaborators who are new to CalendarHero will see a message letting them know they now have a free CalendarHero account for their usage as a Collaborator. They will need to click "Yes, I want to Collaborate" to complete the collaboration.
Collaborators who are already CalendarHero users will see a "Confirm Collaboration" message instead. They will need to click "Yes, I want to Collaborate" to complete the collaboration.
That's it! Just a few easy steps to signing up as a Collaborator.
NOTE: CalendarHero includes a 'Smart Set-up' onboarding flow for new users. This is initially bypassed for new Collaborators to simplify the collaboration process. When a Collaborator subsequently logs into CalendarHero however they will be prompted to complete this easy 3-step set-up.
Managing Collaborations
To manage your collaborations go to My Profile My Collaborators.
Collaborators can be removed at any time - both by the user who invited the Collaborator and by the Collaborator themselves. To remove the connection simply click on the X delete icon.
Please note that removing a Collaborator can impact the shared availability of any active meeting requests. If a Collaborator deletes their CalendarHero account then this will also automatically delete the Collaborator connection.
"You are Sharing" will appear if you are sharing your calendar availability with another user
"Sharing with you" will appear if another user is sharing their calendar availability with you.
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